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Westmead, Constitution Hill & Mays Hill Community Events & Activities Directory

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Local Events & Activities near You!

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Regular Weekly Events & Activities

Let people know about your Event, Festival, Workshop, Project, Activity early so  community members are well informed and can book early.   

Advertising Costs: 
- $30 for One Off Events  (Add your event to the Calendar early to attract more attention)
- $110 for 12 months advertising for your Monthly or Weekly activities.
   (You will have access to make changes anytime)

Simply scroll down and click on the 'Add Your Event Button' once you register you will receive access to a short instruction video to make it easy for your success.

www.findlocalevents.com.au is promoted from the 8800 Find It Locally - Community Notice Boards.

Our aim is to invigorate communities and we believe that an Active Community is a Healthy Community!


Currently we are offering 1500 local people to

work with us promoting this service in their local community.   

Click here to find out more!

2024 Event Statistics 40 Website Page Views